
camcarlogoA major manufacturer of fasteners


boltThey needed an oil filter attachment bolt for the Chrysler Corporation coated to a number of important specifications. The head of the bolt needed to resist wear from the impact of the Torx driver used to install the bolt, yet be coated precisely enough that it still fit the driver. The bolt needed to have a uniform and Screwcontinuous film in order to meet stringent corrosion protection specifications. Critical masking of the bolt was necessary for proper sealing of the bolt as well as the "O" ring after assembly. Moreover, it was required that the coater provides careful handling of bolts to protect threads from damage and overspray.


coatingwithstandstorxwrenchWhile others were daunted by the prospect of accomplishing such a feat at even the prototCoated Deviceype level, Orion was able to coat the bolts to specification, and keep up with Camcar's demanding JIT production schedule as well.